Immediate Posture Correction for Back Pain Relief

Smart Training And Daily Analysis

The Fix For Incorrect Posture. Posture Fix

With real-time monitoring of posture, the Posture Fix helps with posture correction, putting your body in its correct alignment for optimal bone and joint health, helping to reduce back pain caused by poor alignment and lack of posture awareness

Posture Training

Smart Functions and Gentle Reminders For Proper Posture

Real-time monitoring of posture, the Posture Fix puts your body in its correct alignment for optimal bone and joint health.

Your Solution To Tech Neck

We see it everywhere, teens endlessly scrolling through their phones, employees slumped in office chairs for hours on end, and everyone becoming further and further hunched over their computers. So many are experiencing tech neck due to poor alignment and lack of posture awareness that we’re seeing an epidemic of joint pain and muscle strain.

With the Posture Fix, you can reduce pressure on your neck, decrease pain, and minimize wear and tear.

back pain relief for teens
  • Gentle Reminders: Posture Fix will lightly vibrate to remind you to sit upright!

  • Bluetooth Connection: Real-time posture awareness through smart functions.
  • Daily Analysis: Track how your posture improves over time.
  • Deviation 5-20 ° intelligent reminder.

  • bluetooth connection App for Android and iOS.

  • Personalized customization.

  • Professional posture correction course. Helps to correct incorrect posture of back and shoulders.

  • Interactive training games.

  • Soft food grade silicone.

  • Innovative design, light and thin wear.

  • USB Type-C charging.

Now Available: Posture Fix for Kids!

Can’t get your kids to stop slumping over their smartphone or gaming device?

Avoid painful strain later in life with the Posture Fix. It gives gentle vibrations to remind children to sit up straight, shows them their daily analysis of how their posture looks and how it should look, and over time will teach them correct posture positioning.

Comfortable: Softer, skin-friendly material, for optimal comfort. Breathable back design for extended use.

Safe: Food-grade silicone making it safe for children of all ages.

Enjoyable: Kids love its smart technology, making sitting with correct posture a game they want to win!

back pain relief for children